
What Drone Buy For My Child? - Cheap Drones Eachine CG023

Clearly, when you like a hobby ... want to share it with the people you love most, but these people do not receive too well (to be told my girlfriend ... poor thing xD). Anyway, often you ask me what drones are interesting to start your children and today I want to answer that question so many are doing it. I remember, just in case, this hobby is dangerous and should always be supervised by an adult. So no, we put us see what are the most interesting for children are mini rc airplanes!

At first, when I started to talk about this issue with parents and so I realized that some had bought in toy models of drones and such category of nano drones. It may seem that because of its size and nature (internal flight) can be an ideal item for kids but ... the truth is that I doubt it. I would eliminate the smaller drones of the shopping cart, as allowing a child of 5 or 6 years to fly in our house all you can get is a blight of it and some bruising on the part of any member of the family.

The child must understand that it is a dangerous toy that can hurt, and play accordingly. The parent has to transmit respect towards such devices and nano drone I do not think that is the best option. In addition, flying indoors can be a real blight on the family. Personally I think we should restrict these drones flying exclusively outdoors (patios or private gardens, open fields or model airplane clubs).

Once I argued all this you will think ... what Rafa drone I buy? For me it is clear: light mini drones. As for me, I like the Eachine CG023 very much. This mini drone is intermediate in size between the smallest and drones that are commonly used to boot. To give us an idea, they are the size of the palm of a hand. And when we refer to mini light drones, drones we mean having the size mentioned above and are really light. This will help to minimize potential damage it can cause a drone, as these models of drones, good adult supervision, it is virtually impossible for someone to get hurt even in a collision. They are also virtually unbreakable, as among the little that weigh fairly controlled rate they have and how flexible they are ... well, recomendadísimos for kids!

It may be very "tiquis Miquis" or be overcautious, but with the security ... is not played. Then I leave images with corresponding links of some of the best minidrones for your kids to start. So enjoy flying !!!

