
The dron applied to the audiovisual sector: Tarsso's book on quadricopters

On November 30, Professor Francisco Javier Torres Simón will present his new book on drones in Juguetrónica (Madrid) at 19:00. So far everything is correct, a new book about drones to study when we spend our good euros on certificates foreseeable expired to have AESA content. OKAY. But this book at least ... caught my attention once I started to investigate. The first thing was that the author is one of the teachers where I studied the career ... Look! Interesting, but then I keep looking and I say ... WTF? This is Tarsso? The racing drone pilot ????? And here is what I found most interesting: the mixture of knowledge and points of view of Francis.

The book deals with the typical points of the different manuals that are being distributed to help impart the classes in the different ATOS (schools) on drones. Points like the principles of flight, meteorology, communications ... are the ones that we are going to see in the first half of the book, the common thing in these manuals. It is well explained and easily understandable both for people who are going to study the subject by what has been said above or as an amateur, neither the language nor the complexity make it complicated for anyone in this first part. In addition they are dotted with interesting and infrequent chapters such as those related to simulators, not too common in this type of books.

If it had been here ... nothing new under the sun. An interesting book and well explained to be able to read it to continue deepening the hobby or to torture us to hit book with the boys of AESA, but no, here does not end the point. The grace of the book is his vision of the audiovisual with drones. As I said, Tarsso (Torres Simón, as we know him in the faculty) is professor of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville and that vision halfway between academicism and the point of view of a professional drones "a So anomalous "makes this book stand out among the others written in Spanish.

If the first part is the points that AESA wants us to get in the head to get the theoretical certificate seasoned with some wink to hobby lovers, in the second part we have an express vision of the audiovisual world. Very interesting for the newbies and justito for those who have been in this world for some time. But if you come from new ... the truth is that it is a great summary that, beyond making you content with what you learn, encourages you to continue to deepen in each of the audiovisual aspects that is playing.

In short, a book that if you want to know basic concepts about this world (and not so basic ... what AESA considers what is basic in reality) and start making your pinitos in the world of the flying cameras, because it can become quite interesting. Anyway, without further ado, I say goodbye to this post. Ciao!

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc drone accessories, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as rc flap hinges, 2mm bullet connector, diy rc quadcopter, etc. 

